Meet the Team

Founder & Executive Director
William Meade
Bill Meade is a Baby Boomer who has decided in the time he has left on this earth he wants to work to ensure every American has a living wage. Bill has worked as a union member as a power plant maintenance mechanic after high school and then made it all the way to the board room as Chief Executive Officer of a NYSE publicly traded business process outsourcing company. In his corporate positions Bill has seen firsthand and believes we have lost our humanity as both our corporations and government have put profits over people. With your help Bill believes we can build a national grassroots organization that will lay the foundation for the transition back to people over profits.

Communications Strategy
Dianne Price
Dianne Price's father was a tool-and-die maker. She was the first of seven kids and watched her father work three jobs so they could have what they needed to survive. Dianne cherishes her blue-collar background, and she observed that many families had far less than she did growing up. She worked two jobs to put herself through school. Dianne has worked across many sectors, landing as Public Affairs Director for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and ultimately as Marketing Director at Arizona State University. As a result of Dianne's work and contributions she has been recognized by the Public Relations Society of America.

Web Developer & IT
David Baxter
David Baxter a software engineer that cares deeply about workers rights and poverty. He's currently building a worker directed company called the Beanchain that is committed to reaching a living wage for its workers and offering voting and profit sharing for those that want a career as a Barista!

Communications Consultant
Steve Allnatt
An award winning journalist and communications professional. Steve joins our team as communications consultant. He began his career as a U.S. Army news reporter and also worked for the Phoenix Gazette, the Utah Transit Authority and 26 years at American Express. Steve has devoted a significant amount of time to nonprofits serving on boards and many community service groups. Steve lives in Utah with his wife of 48 years Beverly. Steve' said he is committed to the FFLW mission because without everyone doing his bit we'll be the first folks to leave the world worse than we found it.

Project Manager
Megan Pokrandt
Megan is a recent graduate of Arizona State University. She graduated magna cum laude with a major in organizational leadership and project management with a minor in women and gender studies. Megan is looking to broaden her project management skills with FFLW and get her PMP certification in 2024.