The Pledge
Recognizing the inherent dignity of every individual, we pledge to uphold the principle of a living wage as essential for the well-being and flourishing of all Americans. Grounded in compassion and shared responsibility to preserve our humanity we commit to the following:
1. Living Wage Advocacy
2. Compassionate Support
3. Community Empowerment
4. Education and Awareness

Our Mission
At Fight For A Living Wage, we are working to establish a national grass roots movement that will increase awareness, understanding and a call to action to counter the ways in which current trends in wages, corporate profits and politics are increasing the income gap in America. Today, middle-and-lower income Americans are sitting on the knife's edge when it comes to quality of life. Now is the time for income equality to take root, otherwise division and hardship can be expected to continue to plague our nation for generations to come. Our mission does not include an affiliation with any political party. In fact, we believe the current major political parties are part of the problem, and not the solution. Join us in our mission to create a better future for those that feel left out or left behind.

Our Initiatives
We are working towards our mission by partnering with local communities and organizations to advocate for a living wage. Our initiatives include raising awareness of the benefits of a living wage, advocating for fair labor policies, and promoting economic justice for all workers. We believe that by working together, we can make a difference in the lives of working people.

Recent News - Think About It!
Income inequality is pervasive all throughout our society. There is no greater place to highlight income inequality than in professional sports. In the 1960's professional athletes often had to hold down other jobs in the off season to make ends meet. Now we have professional athletes that make $25 - $50 million per year.
Yet we can hear all kinds of comments by many elected leaders that a mandatory $15 dollar minimum wage would bring the economy to its knees with significant job loss.
Steph Curry makes just under $52 million per year. On a full time equivalent basis Steph makes $25,000 an hour if he worked full-time. A person making $15 per hour would need to work almost 3.5 million hours or 1,666 years or live 21 lifetimes to make that amount of money.
We at FFLW are not against people making as much money as they can. We just believe all Americans deserve a living wage and those fortunate enough to make millions per year pay their fair share to help those less fortunate.
How did we get here? How do we think an athlete has skills worth $25,000 per hour but those working at the arena do not deserve $15 per hour. THINK ABOUT IT !!